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Posts Tagged ‘value innovation’

New edition of ‘Thinking about value’

Wednesday, November 30th, 2022

We’re pleased to announce that the 2nd edition of ‘Thinking about value – and how to innovate it’ by Alastair Ross, Director of Codexx, has just been published on Amazon.
This new edition builds on the 2019 edition with multiple examples of the value table in practice, new frameworks for defining customer requirements, other content enhancements (and of course a few corrections…) – and at the same price as the 1st edition.
The book is a practical guide for change leaders and product/service innovators with frameworks, tools, case studies and 50 innovation approaches for innovating new or existing offerings.

Alastair Ross thanked MBA and MSc students at the University of Southampton Business School and Codexx clients for ‘real world’ application of the value table model in business projects.

The book is available now in paperback and pdf on Amazon.

Thinking about value – new book

Monday, June 24th, 2019

A new book to help business improve their effectiveness in product and service innovation has just been published by Alastair Ross, Director of Codexx. ‘Thinking about value’ is a practical workbook for businesses – both large and small – to review and innovate their products or services to better meet customer needs.

The book introduces a new framework for value analysis and innovation – the value table – tested in consulting projects and in MBA teaching over the last 4 years. The model encourages a broader view of value propositions – beyond the typical focus of functionality and price – to better understand and meet customer needs.

50 innovation approaches are discussed in the book, together with plentiful case studies. ‘Thinking about value’ is intended for innovation teams looking to enhance existing or develop new value propositions. It includes detailed approaches for identifying unmet customer needs and developing new product/service/platform concepts to address them.

The book is available as a paperback on Amazon, at a special launch price until the end of July 2019. To view and order Thinking about value, go to Amazon.

If you are interested in ordering large quantities of the book, contact Codexx directly.

Innovating value for global markets – Institute of Export event

Wednesday, June 7th, 2017

Institute of Export logo

Alastair Ross, Director of Codexx, is presenting at the Institute of Export and International Trade event on Thursday 6th July 2017 – ‘Blueprint for Global Britain’ which is being held at the University of Plymouth.

The event is aimed at businesses in the South West of the UK that are working in international trade. The event will examine the issues and opportunities in accessing new markets and the debate will help to shape the future of international trade.

Alastair Ross will present on ‘Innovating product and service value for global markets‘. His presentation will show how businesses can optimise their product or service proposition for different international markets by assessing the value requirements of users and how they vary by market and geography and then tuning their offering – or providing suitable support services – accordingly. The presentation shares learning based on Codexx innovation projects and makes use of the Value Table model.

For more information on the event: Blueprint for a global Britain.

New videos – value-based innovation & behavioural change

Tuesday, April 25th, 2017

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New videos have been added to the our YouTube channel ‘Business Innovator’. The Business Innovator channel is our channel for sharing innovation approaches and our professional experience with a wide community of businesses, change agents and students.

Videos are intentionally short – to provide interest and insights within ‘bite-sized’ chunks.

Latest videos include:

Thinking about value and how to innovate it

The importance of behavioural change in business transformation

Why not take a look –  we hope you find them useful – and we welcome any comments!


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