We’re pleased to announce that the 2nd edition of ‘Thinking about value – and how to innovate it’ by Alastair Ross, Director of Codexx, has just been published on Amazon.
This new edition builds on the 2019 edition with multiple examples of the value table in practice, new frameworks for defining customer requirements, other content enhancements (and of course a few corrections…) – and at the same price as the 1st edition.
The book is a practical guide for change leaders and product/service innovators with frameworks, tools, case studies and 50 innovation approaches for innovating new or existing offerings.
Alastair Ross thanked MBA and MSc students at the University of Southampton Business School and Codexx clients for ‘real world’ application of the value table model in business projects.
The book is available now in paperback and pdf on Amazon.
Alastair Ross thanked MBA and MSc students at the University of Southampton Business School and Codexx clients for ‘real world’ application of the value table model in business projects.
The book is available now in paperback and pdf on Amazon.
Categories: Codexx News, Innovation, Uncategorized
Tags: Business innovation, value innovation
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