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Archive for June, 2015

Speaking at ‘5 Great Minds’

Monday, June 15th, 2015

Chartered-Institute-of-MarketingAlastair Ross, Director of Codexx, spoke at the Chartered Institute of Marketing’s Levitt Group on Friday 12th June 2015 at their ‘5 Great Minds’ event held in Regent’s University in London for senior marketing professionals.

His presentation was entitled ‘Innovating Professional Services – transforming value and efficiency’. His session introduced the ‘Why?’, ‘What?’ and ‘How?’ of improving competitiveness through innovation in professional service firms. The event also introduced Alastair’s new book ‘Innovating professional services’. To see a copy of the event brochure, click.

Why did Google abandon 20% innovation time?

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015



Google has been well known for its unique approach to innovation – from its open culture, its radical work environment in its Googleplex campus to its methods for innovation. This has enabled it to grow meteorically from its formation in 1998 to become a $62 billion turnover company by 2014. One of its best known innovation mechanisms was its policy of ‘20% time’ which allowed its engineers to spend 20% of their time on personal projects.

Read the rest of Alastair Ross’s article at HRzone.

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