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Archive for January, 2005

Centre for Sustainable Engineering launched

Wednesday, January 5th, 2005

The UK Centre for Economic and Environmental Development (UKCEED) announced the launch of the Centre for Sustainable Engineering. The Centre for Sustainable Engineering (CSEng) is a new national initiative established by UKCEED to support businesses developing innovative and more sustainable technologies. The Centre is designed to exploit the opportunities offered by significant predicted growth in demand for many sustainable technologies, both in the UK and internationally. Codexx is pleased to have been involved in the development of the centre. Reflecting on Codexx’s role in the project, Jonathan Selwyn, Executive Director, UKCEED said “Codexx played a key role in helping UKCEED explore the feasibility of its concept for the Centre for Sustainable Engineering. The consultancy also helped develop an outline business model which played an important role in securing public funding for the Centre.”

For more information on the Centre, go to http://www.ukceed.org/cse.htm

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