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Archive for May, 2017

Why great products are not enough – the story of Psion

Monday, May 8th, 2017

Psion logo full

Businesses with great products have enthusiastic and loyal users who value the functionality and other benefits provided by these products. But for a product to be great – there needs to be something more: an ’emotional connection’ made with users. This so-called ‘joy of use’ moves a product from being merely ‘good’ to ‘great’.

In the 1980s to 1990s Psion was  such a company, providing great products in the PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) market with an enthusiastic user base. For many years it was the market leader with products such as the Series 3 and Series 5 PDAs were best sellers. So why did it exit the PDA market in 2001 – to the disappointment of its customers? And what can businesses learn from their experience?

A new Codexx video tells the story.



Energizing Change

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