Professional Service firms are increasingly seeking to improve their innovation capabilities – to raise their competitiveness in today’s tough business conditions. However we find that firms are challenged in this, with questions such as:
What are the benefits of increasing innovation?
What are the ways in which we should innovate?
How should we organise for innovation?
To help in answering these questions, we are producing a series of whitepapers on ‘Innovating Professional Services’. Part 1, published in May, covered the opportunities for innovation for professional service firms. This week we published Part 2 – how to establish a system for innovation in your firm. Part 3 will deal with managing challenges in innovation and is planned to be published in October. These papers are based on our 10 years’ experience of working with service firms to establish effective approaches for innovation and the latest thinking from our academic partners. To help maximise the value of this series of whitepapers, we are taking a collaborative approach to writing, working with our clients and colleagues in professional service firms.
If you would like to apply for a complimentary copy of one of these papers, please contact us via the website.