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Archive for March, 2013

Innovation challenges for professional service firms – study report

Wednesday, March 13th, 2013

What are the key challenges that lawyers, accountants, consultants and other professional service firms face when they seek to innovate? As part of our work on helping professional service firms improve their innovation capabilities, we ran a recent study to find this out. The attached report summarises our findings: Innovating Professional Services – Study of key challenges 2013


The challenge of efficiency for Private Client lawyers

Monday, March 11th, 2013

These are challenging times for all businesses – but the UK legal sector is facing major changes, driven by de-regulation, the internet and the tough economy. Firms are having to look at how they improve their efficiency and value to clients.

A recent article by Alastair Ross in ‘Private Client Adviser’ outlines how re-engineering has been applied to Private Client departments, to drive major cost savings – whilst maintaining service quality.

Lawyers on waste

Re-engineering Private Client legal services – February 2013

The attached pdf article was first published in Private Client Adviser in February 2013 and is reproduced by kind permission.

Energizing Change

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