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Archive for April, 2015

Innovating professional services – new book

Friday, April 17th, 2015

Professional Service firms are facing major challenges in an increasingly global market. Whilst the professional services sector is diverse, consisting of  accountants, lawyers, management consultants, architects, insurance providers and other businesses that provide services based on leveraging intellectual capital, they face many common challenges:

  • Deregulation of local markets enabling the entry of new competitors
  • Clients are demanding ‘more for less’
  • New competitors based on internet-enabled business models
  • Competitors exploiting methods such as Lean to improve their cost competitiveness
  • How best to serve a global market – and to respond to global competitors

How do firms respond to these challenges? One key approach is in utilising innovation to improve competitiveness. Progressive firms are seeking to increase the value they provide to clients – through new and enhanced services and improved service experience for example. They are also seeking to improve their efficiency of doing business – and thus improve their price competitiveness.

Alastair Ross, Director of Codexx, has utilised Codexx experience gained over the last decade in consulting to professional service firms in innovation and re-engineering to write a practical guide to change agents in professional service firms seeking to exploit innovation within their organisation.

The book provides a detailed introduction into key innovation and re-engineering techniques, such a client value profiling, process mapping, waste elimination and change management. There is a strong pragmatic approach to dealing with the typical challenges encountered in driving major service innovation and culture change. The book features extensive case studies in legal, insurance, financial and business services.

Innovating Professional Services: Transforming Value and Efficiency’ by Alastair Ross was published by Gower on 8th May 2015.

For more information on the book go to: here

To purchase an e-book version from Amazon, go to: here

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