+44 (0)7766-525433

Tuesday 18th February 23:52 (UK)

Alastair Ross

Who are We?

I established Codexx in 2002 to help businesses innovate and transform.

You can benefit from our expertise in making real change in your business. Take a look around our website - read what our clients have said and see how we can help you.

Director, Codexx

What we believe

  • We believe that in today's highly competitive and dynamic world, ongoing innovation is the best way your business can prosper and survive in the long term.
  • We believe in making your business better by applying best practices and new approaches. We work with academic partners to ensure that we bring the latest thinking to you and apply it in a practical way.
  • We believe that by working collaboratively with you - to 'do it with you; (and not to you) - we will best enable learning, ownership and success.
  • We believe that delighted clients enable our future and so we strive to more than just satisfy you in our work.
  • We believe that it is our job to challenge you and your business paradigms, for that is a key role of a change leader.

"You go beyond the contract as would be expected in true partnership mode."

Operations Director

Energizing Change

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