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Thursday 16th January 14:38 (UK)

Innovation Study on Hi-Tech, Hi-Speed businesses

January 11th, 2010

Today Codexx launched a study on ‘The Innovation Journey for High Technology, High Speed Businesses. We are working with Professor John Bessant at the University of Exeter Business School and Gill Jennings & Every LLP (GJE), leading UK Intellectual Property Attorneys. The ability for high technology businesses to bring their new products to market quickly and successfully has never been more important. Being late to market with a product offering that is simply a functional ‘me-too’ will never compete with rivals who have captured the hearts and minds of the customers. It is the effectiveness of the innovation journey that businesses make from the initial idea to their product in the hands of the customer that is key.

Alastair Ross, who is leading the study programme, said “We are aiming to bring new insight to this important aspect of innovation. Those businesses that take part in the study will gain the opportunity to review their own innovation journey against best practices. They will also receive a copy of the final study report which will allow them to compare themselves against other businesses –  on an anonymous basis of course. Since participation is at no charge, I think this is an excellent opportunity for businesses interested in improving their innovation.”

We are studying the innovation practices and performance that hi-tech businesses have in their innovation journey, from ideas to market. The study questionnaire is based around a nine stage model of the innovation journey, developed for the study. Whilst good practices in innovation are generally understood, we are aiming to determine best practices for these particular types of business across the end-to-end innovation journey.  If you are interested in taking part, contact us at innovation@codexx.com.

3 Responses to “Innovation Study on Hi-Tech, Hi-Speed businesses”

  1. Emi says:

    I think that this is a very interesting article, I would love to hear about the results.

  2. We’ve sent back our innovation journey questionnaire (filled in I might add!) – it’s very well structured. We’re really interested to see the results when they’re ready. Good work and good luck with the rest of the study.

  3. […] if you want to find out how innovative we are in the UK, our partner company Codexx is running an innovation study with the University of Exeter, which if you take part in will get you an invitation to the London […]

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