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Posts Tagged ‘New books’

New book – ‘Sowing the seeds of business transformation’

Tuesday, February 21st, 2017

Alastair Ross’s new book Sowing the seeds of business transformation was published on the 18th February and is available in paperback on Amazon. The book is aimed at change leaders who are seeking inspiration and guidance for transformation in their own businesses – in both industrial and knowledge intensive service sectors.

Cover with text for Codexx blog

It is a practical guide, based on project work and detailed case studies and is suitable for transformation projects in a single service or process, a function or department, business unit or firm wide.

Sowing the seeds of business transformation examines key transformation-enabling tools and methods such as Value Analysis, Systematic Innovation, Lean, User-Experience, Re-engineering, Continuous Improvement, Business Model Innovation and Digitisation.

Multiple case studies are used to illustrate the use of these methods including businesses such as Nokia, IBM, Blackberry, Apple, Allianz, British Airways, Amazon, Nintendo, AXA and Ryanair. The book also provides proven frameworks and effective approaches to enable a programme of business transformation.

For more information on the book, to read sample pages or order copies, go to Amazon.


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