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Masterclass on Smarter Working for law firms – London 22nd June 2012

May 3rd, 2012

Law firms are facing major challenges, driven by new technology, regulatory changes and the economy. Firms have been responding to the short term challenges by cost cutting and layoffs. However, a more fundamental response to these changes lies in ‘Smarter Working’ – in innovating and re-engineering firms’ ways of working and services provided to clients. Business process improvement and re-engineering have been proven in other business sectors to enable dramatic improvements in efficiency and service. How can these techniques be applied to law firms?

Alastair Ross, Director of Codexx, will lead a masterclass, on behalf of Ark Group, to provide an introduction to this important subject, in London on 22nd June 2012. He will use proven techniques, case studies – including examples from law firm work over the past 7 years – and interaction, with the goal of enabling attendees to return to their firms with a mindset to identify and assess the opportunities for Smarter Working in their own firm and an understanding of the approach required.

For more information or to book a place, go to the Ark Group site here

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