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Friday 13th September 05:55 (UK)

systematic innovation

Best Practice Assessment

Are you looking to dramatically improve the effectiveness of your business processes?

Then let us help you find out what is possible and make it happen.

Benchmark your business

We have proven solutions to help you assess your business against best practices - in innovation, services, manufacturing and supply chain management - and to help you determine where to best focus.

Some of our clients have worked with our consultants for over ten years to utilise our assessment approaches to move their businesses to world class levels of practice. Find out how your business could benefit from best practice assessment:

foundations for innovation graph


The first step to improving your innovation capabilities is to recognise today's resources and barriers to innovation that exist in your business.

This is what our 'Foundations for Innovation' (F4i) solution provides.

How effective is your business innovation?

Developed in conjunction with Imperial College London, F4i assesses the innovation capabilities within your organisation against 57 key best practices. It aims to determine how solid your 'innovation foundations' are and where you should focus your improvement. F4i is based on leading academic thinking married with our own experience working with industrial and service organisations. F4i helps you answer key questions on the effectiveness of innovation in your business:

  • Do we have effective leadership for innovation?
  • Does our vision and strategy effectively focus our innovation activities?
  • How effective is our process for generating, selecting and implementing new ideas?
  • How well does our culture and values encourage innovation?
  • What skills and methods are in place to support innovation?
  • How good is our innovation performance?

We use a range of assessment tools, including consulting and academic-developed solutions in interviews and workshops with your management and employees to assess your innovation capabilities.

Click here for a brochure on F4i.

Do you operate world class practices in your services business?

Find out by assessing your business using the proven SERVICE PROBE benchmarking solution which has been used to benchmark over 1500 services businesses.



Service PROBE is based on a model of world class services practices. The Codexx assessment approach uses Service PROBE as the core and surrounds it with additional methods to help companies understand root cause problems for poor performance and define improvement actions. Service PROBE is a highly effective way of catalysing improvement and defining the improvement agenda. Service PROBE helps you answer key questions on the practices and performance in your business, be it an accountancy, law firm, consultancy, architectural practice or other service business:

  • How well does our leadership and culture support service excellence?
  • How effective is our approach for developing new services?
  • How well do we deliver service and delight our clients?
  • Do we have an effective continuous improvement culture and method?
  • How do our practices compare to other service firms?
  • How does our business performance compare to other service firms inside and outside our sector?


Codexx consultants have performed hundreds of benchmarking assessments with clients and have strong experience in the professional services sector.

Want to find find out how you measure up to best practice in your sector?

Services List

"Innovation is key for us. As a manufacturer in the West, you have to innovate or you'll be dead in 30 years. The Codexx 'Foundations for Innovation' assessment is a very good methodology for pulling out the key issues on innovation. It makes a lot of sense."

David Walton

Managing Director
Stannah Stairlifts

“We asked Codexx to perform a best practices assessment of our innovation capabilities. Their recommendations became part of our improvement strategy.”

Carsten Bjerg

Chief Executive

Energizing Change

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