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Train your people in business innovation

Skills in innovation and business change are needed at many levels in any organisation – to create unique and differentiating strategies, to generate insightful and powerful new ideas, to promote change, to work effectively in innovation teams and to define and lead innovation and change projects.

What we Offer

We provide courses to train your managers and employees in practices and methods for effective innovation and business improvement. We provide both 1 and 2 day standalone courses and also provide training as part of our re-engineering projects.

We provide four standard courses:

Innovation Leadership - 1 day course
Innovation Methods – 1 day course
Innovation Champions training – 2 day course
Lean and Re-engineering for professional services – 1 day course

Maximum attendance in all training courses is 16 people.

What’s our experience?

We have provided innovation and re-engineering training for manufacturing businesses and professional service firms in the UK and Europe. A number of our associates lecture in innovation at university business schools including Southampton, Exeter, Cambridge and Cranfield.

Find out how our innovation training could benefit you...

Services List

"Thank you for an interesting and challenging workshop."

Business Unit Director

Engineering company

"I found it a stimulating day."


Environmental Services company

"Thought provoking and stretching.."


Professional Services firm

"Always interesting, very interactive, lots of group work, encouraged feedback on a personal level."

Course Attendee

"It is an excellent model, easy to relate to, and I expect will be simple to put into practice and adapt; very many thanks for the most stimulating two days."

Course Attendee

Energizing Change

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